Do Hermit Crabs Like To Be Touched

Hermit crabs are not like your typical cat and dog that likes to be pet or even cuddled. And as a hermit crab owner, you shouldn’t pet or even handle them as frequently as possible. If you just brought a hermit crab home, you’re not supposed to pick it up so much since it causes them so much stress.

Back in the wild, hermit crabs aren’t handled or even picked up very often unless a predator is about to eat them. So as an owner, it is recommended that you only handle them on a very slow pace on an interval of every 3-4 days and once a day only.

Or just pick them up really if it’s really necessary to do so.Picking up your hermit crabs not only cause them to feel stressed, but also they also feel threatened by it. You need to learn through patience on how to bond with your hermit crabs. If there are kids around, you shouldn’t let kids handle them since hermit crabs will pinch their hand or fingers out of self-defense. And if this happens, they might drop your hermit crab and injure them badly.

Can they be handled and should you do it?

As mentioned above, you can but it is not recommended to do it so often. The reason for their behavior that they don’t want to get picked up that much is that they are insecure animals. Also, in the wild, they mostly do foraging, exploring, and looking for new shells. They do not have time to play with other hermit crabs, in fact, they fight other hermit crabs for their shells. The only time they get picked up is because of predators want to feed on them. 

That said, even if you have good intentions, your hermit crabs will retreat inside their shells if you pick them up because they will see you as a threat.  

How can I get my Hermit Crabs to Trust me?

Pick them up with care and don’t do it as often. Patience is key if you want them to trust you. One of the things that you can maybe do is introducing them to a new food or smell new to them. Do this gradually with your hermit crabs and as time passes by, they will realize that picking them up does not mean getting harmed but instead getting rewarded.

Here’s how you can handle your hermit crabs:

  1. Carefully use both of your hands to pick up your hermit crab
  2. Gently lift them up with their shell (not their claws!)
  3. Place them on one of your hand
  4. Let them rest in your palm until they feel comfortable to get out of their shell

Picking them up hastily will scare them so always have care on mind when you pick them up. 

When is the best time to hold them?

Pick them up on their active times, most of the time hermit crabs are active during the evening. So make sure to make the best out of it. Don’t pick them up during their inactive time since it will cause them stress. Your hermit crabs will be likely to be engaging with you during their active time. 

Also, always make sure that you wash your hands before you handle them as you might transfer bacteria from your hands to your hermit crab. Ensure as well that your hands are free from any chemicals as they might ingest and accidentally poisoning them.

So there you have it, hopefully these tips will help you in your hermit crab handling.