Do Hermit Crabs Gets Sad and Bored?

For us hermit crab owners, observing our hermit crabs do their daily routine is quite fascinating. How they do things and how slowly they crawl with their shell is quite entertaining. But of course, this amusement and fascination are terribly one-sided.

Why so? Because without appropriate stuff to get your hermit crab entertained and active, your hermit crab might end up bored, sad, and even stressed. 

Since hermit crabs are in a captivity, they need a simulation from their habitat. So how can you do this? You can provide the following:

  • Climbing toys – which may include driftwood or plants
  • Another Hermit Crab – not only your hermit crab won’t get bored but they will find companionship as well
  • Tunnels they can crawl on and hide
  • Fresh fruit or vegetable – can be also good for passing time for your hermit crabs. Be sure though to give them just enough and clean it on time

What Other Stuff My Hermit Crabs Can Play With?

Climbing Nets and Ropes

You can either do-it-yourself or buy online. Hermit crabs love to climb, especially the captive ones. They love to pass time by exploring and climbing the walls of their crabitat. 

If you’re going to provide climbing nets and ropes, make sure the materials are thick enough for them to be able to grip with their claws. Ensure as well that their climbing ropes and nets are placed not that high since they will most likely fall when they lose their grip. 

And if they fall seems to be stuck on their back, help them back to their crawling position.

Empty bottles and jars

Put it in the terrarium as a an obstacle for them. Make sure to remove any remaining tap water that might leak from it and might harm your hermit crabs. These bottles and jars should not be brittle as well or easily to get shatter as to avoid any harm or injuries with them. 

Hiding Places Such as Pots and Coconut Shells

If there’s one of the things that hermit crabs love is hiding not just under the substrate but also in things like pots and coconut shells. They value privacy a lot.

If you’re about to provide them with pots, ensure that this is clean and free from any chemicals. As for the empty coconut shells, ensure that there are any coconut meat left on it as it may get spoiled or even infest by parasites or ants.

These pots can be used not just as a hiding place for them if they want privacy, but they can also use this as well when they are molting and wanted to be left alone.