What are the marine hermit crab species?

Marine hermit crabs are crustaceans that belong to the family Paguroidea. They are found in saltwater environments all over the world, including the intertidal zone, coral reefs, and the deep sea. Marine hermit crabs are known for their ability to use empty snail shells as homes, which they carry on their back for protection. Marine … Read more

Are hermit crabs endangered species?

Some species of hermit crabs are considered endangered, while others are not. The overall population of hermit crabs is difficult to determine, but it is known that certain species face threats from habitat destruction, over-harvesting, plastic pollution, and climate change. Human activities such as coastal development, pollution, and the pet trade can have negative impacts … Read more

What’s The Difference Between Hermit Crab and Crab?

Hermit crabs and crabs are both members of the crustacean family, but they have some key differences. Crabs are typically found in marine environments and have a hard exoskeleton that provides protection and support. They also have two pairs of claws, which they use for hunting and defense. Hermit crabs, on the other hand, are … Read more

Difference Between Hermit Crabs and Fiddler Crabs

When people read or hear about crabs, they always think that they are all the same species. But in reality there are various types walking around the shores of the earth. In fact, there are 850 crab species recorded around the world. And these crab species vary from freshwater-based, terrestrial to semi-terrestrial species.  In this … Read more

Meet the Caribbean soldier crab, the hermit crab that lives solely in forests

When hermit crabs are mentioned, what’s the first thing that comes into your mind? Do you think of sandy white beaches? Coastlines? Fresh water?  Well, those are true until you meet the Caribbean hermit crab which are mostly found in the forests. Yes, you read that right.  Caribbean soldier crabs are one of the only … Read more

Do Hermit Crabs Gets Sad and Bored?

For us hermit crab owners, observing our hermit crabs do their daily routine is quite fascinating. How they do things and how slowly they crawl with their shell is quite entertaining. But of course, this amusement and fascination are terribly one-sided. Why so? Because without appropriate stuff to get your hermit crab entertained and active, … Read more