Essential Items in Your Hermit Crab Tank

To ensure your hermit crab has a healthy and comfortable living environment, their tank should meet the following requirements:

  1. Tank Size: The minimum size of the tank should be 10 gallons per hermit crab. Make sure the tank is large enough to accommodate food and water dishes, a hiding spot, and other accessories.
  2. Substrate: Use a substrate of at least 3 inches of sand, coconut coir, or a mixture of both to create a suitable habitat for your hermit crab.
  3. Temperature: The ideal temperature range for a hermit crab tank is between 75-85°F. You can use a thermometer to monitor the temperature, and a heat lamp or under-tank heater to maintain it.
  4. Humidity: Hermit crabs require a high level of humidity, between 70-80%. To achieve this, mist the tank daily with water or use a humidifier.
  5. Water: Provide a freshwater dish that is large enough for your hermit crab to submerge in. It should be changed daily to ensure cleanliness.
  6. Food: Hermit crabs are omnivorous and require a balanced diet of both animal and plant-based foods. Offer them a variety of foods, including fresh fruits and vegetables, protein sources such as shrimp or chicken, and commercial hermit crab food.
  7. Accessories: Provide a hiding spot such as a coconut shell or a PVC pipe. You can also add climbing structures and toys to the tank to keep your hermit crab entertained.
  8. Maintenance: Regularly clean the tank by removing any uneaten food, replacing the substrate, and cleaning the water dish. Also, monitor your hermit crab’s behavior and health to ensure they are healthy and happy.

What about essential items, do my hermit crabs need it?

Yes, there are some essential items that your hermit crabs will need to live a healthy and comfortable life. These include:

  1. Heat source: Hermit crabs require a warm and humid environment to thrive, so a heat source such as a heat lamp or under-tank heater is essential to keep the temperature within the recommended range.
  2. Thermometer and Hygrometer: To ensure the temperature and humidity levels are optimal for your hermit crabs, it is essential to have a thermometer and hygrometer in the tank. This will allow you to monitor the temperature and humidity levels regularly.
  3. Substrate: A suitable substrate, such as sand or coconut coir, is necessary for your hermit crabs to burrow and molt. The substrate should be at least 3 inches deep to allow them to dig and create tunnels.
  4. Food and Water Dishes: Hermit crabs require access to freshwater and a variety of foods to maintain a healthy diet. Provide a shallow dish for water and food dishes that are the appropriate size for your hermit crabs.
  5. Hiding Places: Hermit crabs are shy and like to hide, so it is essential to provide them with hiding places such as coconut shells, PVC pipes, or other suitable items.
  6. Climbing Structures: Hermit crabs love to climb, so providing them with climbing structures such as rocks, driftwood, or other items will help keep them active and healthy.
  7. Calcium Supplements: Hermit crabs require calcium for molting, so providing them with a source of calcium such as crushed eggshells or cuttlebone is essential.
  8. Aquarium Salt: Adding aquarium salt to your hermit crab’s water can help keep them healthy and promote proper molting.

Overall, these essential items will help ensure that your hermit crabs have everything they need to live a happy and healthy life in their tank.

How about toys? Is it recommended to provide them some in their tank?

Yes, it is recommended to provide some toys and enrichment items in your hermit crab’s tank. Hermit crabs are active creatures that like to climb, explore, and play, and providing them with toys and other items can help keep them stimulated and engaged.

Some suitable toys and enrichment items for hermit crabs include:

  1. Climbing structures: Hermit crabs love to climb, so providing them with rocks, logs, and other climbing structures will give them plenty of opportunities to explore and play.
  2. Shells: Hermit crabs like to switch shells frequently, so providing them with a variety of different shells to choose from can keep them entertained.
  3. Food puzzles: Food puzzles, such as hiding food inside a puzzle toy or a small container, can help stimulate your hermit crab’s mind and encourage them to forage for their food.
  4. Hiding places: Hermit crabs are naturally shy and like to hide, so providing them with hiding places such as coconut shells, PVC pipes, or other suitable items can make them feel more secure.
  5. Mirror: A small mirror can be a source of entertainment for your hermit crab as they will be fascinated by their reflection.

When selecting toys and enrichment items for your hermit crab’s tank, make sure they are safe and non-toxic. Avoid using plastic items that can break or cause injury, and choose items that are easy to clean and maintain.

Overall, providing your hermit crabs with toys and enrichment items can help keep them happy and healthy in their tank.