6 more interesting things you never knew about the hermit crab

1. Shells are essential Hermit crabs are soft-bodied creatures; hence, they require shells.  In the wild, they used anything to shelter to, be it used snail shells or even coconut shells. They rely heavily on shells for protection since they are highly vulnerable species without it. 2. The are described as having ‘Identity crisis’ Technically, … Read more

10 More Hermit Crab Fun & Interesting Facts

Do you think you know your hermit crabs that well? Maybe you don’t, so here are more interesting and fun facts about hermit crabs. Hermit crabs never leave their shells, they are dependent on them. The only time you’ll see a hermit crab leave its shell is if they are going to find a better … Read more

Facts About Deep Sea Hermit Crabs

Did you know that your hermit crab accounts for one-fourth of the crustacean species in the sea? And you can usually find them hanging out in rocky, tropical and sandy areas. The small critters feed on plankton, small shrimps, and even small fishes. Their sizes also range from 2 to 6 inches but did you … Read more

Six Hermit Crab Fun Facts

Hermit crabs as we know are quite fascinating little creatures that we didn’t know have a lot of surprises. They are crustaceans which also include crabs, shrimps, and starfish and they belong to the superfamily of Paguroidea. And did you know that there are 7 different families and around 1100 species of hermit crabs that … Read more