Reasons Why Your Hermit Crab Keeps Changing Shells

A hermit crab who constantly changes back and forth between shells when it’s not molting can be a concern as a hermit crab owner. In this article, we will be discussing what are reasons or factors why your hermit crab keeps changing its shells. It’s looking for the ‘Right Shell’ This is pretty common for … Read more

Do Hermit Crabs Gets Sad and Bored?

For us hermit crab owners, observing our hermit crabs do their daily routine is quite fascinating. How they do things and how slowly they crawl with their shell is quite entertaining. But of course, this amusement and fascination are terribly one-sided. Why so? Because without appropriate stuff to get your hermit crab entertained and active, … Read more

What Animals Can Safely Live with My Hermit Crab?

Hermit crabs are low-maintenance pets which are highly advisable for families that are often busy or if you have kids and want them to start learning to take care of pets.  That said, you might be wondering what other animals are safe to be your hermit crab as a companion. Note that just because your … Read more

How To Clean Your Hermit Crab’s Tank

Your hermit crab’s terrarium or tank needs to be cleaned regularly. Whether its dry or wet. Hermit crabs can get sick in unsanitary conditions.  So when should you clean their habitat? Usually it should every 2-3 days, depending also on how many hermit crabs you’re taking care of and how much uneaten food is left … Read more

10 More Hermit Crab Fun & Interesting Facts

Do you think you know your hermit crabs that well? Maybe you don’t, so here are more interesting and fun facts about hermit crabs. Hermit crabs never leave their shells, they are dependent on them. The only time you’ll see a hermit crab leave its shell is if they are going to find a better … Read more