5 Tips to Keep Your Hermit Crab Healthy, Happy, & Active

Owning a hermit crab is not as simple as some may people think. Just because you already have them in a terrarium or a fish bowl then that’s it. Well, it’s not, hermit crabs need to be active as well just like dogs and once you’re noticing that your hermit crabs are becoming lethargic then … Read more

How to Know if your Hermit Crab is Molting or Dead

Molting is very important and your hermit crabs can be very sensitive while they undergo molting. According to statistics, in the wild most of hermit crabs deaths are related to unsuccessful molting. And in captivity, it can get a lot worse since most hermit crab owners can’t tell if their hermit crabs are molting or … Read more

Hermit Crabs Lifespan and How to Prolong it

Hermit crabs are not your typical household pets, but they are cute and can be quite entertaining pets for you and even for your kids if you’re a parent.  They are often mistaken as “easy” pets due to their size, but in reality they require so much care and maintenance. And these efforts will prolong … Read more

The Land Hermit Crab Lifecycle

It’s time for a little science with your Pet Hermit Crab. And we will be talking about their very interesting life cycle. Whenever a male hermit crab mates with a female one, it will lay a thousand eggs and these female hermit crabs will hold onto their left side of the abdomen.  Female hermit crabs … Read more

Hermit Crab Home Set-up

So now you’ve decided you want a Hermit Crab for yourself or for your kid. But don’t rush to your local pet shop! Note of the following home set up first for your Hermit Crabs! Hermit crabs thrive in tropical environments, as mentioned above they are not solitary creatures. So if you can bring in … Read more