Do Hermit Crabs Gets Sad and Bored?

For us hermit crab owners, observing our hermit crabs do their daily routine is quite fascinating. How they do things and how slowly they crawl with their shell is quite entertaining. But of course, this amusement and fascination are terribly one-sided. Why so? Because without appropriate stuff to get your hermit crab entertained and active, … Read more

How To Clean Your Hermit Crab’s Tank

Your hermit crab’s terrarium or tank needs to be cleaned regularly. Whether its dry or wet. Hermit crabs can get sick in unsanitary conditions.  So when should you clean their habitat? Usually it should every 2-3 days, depending also on how many hermit crabs you’re taking care of and how much uneaten food is left … Read more

Facts About Deep Sea Hermit Crabs

Did you know that your hermit crab accounts for one-fourth of the crustacean species in the sea? And you can usually find them hanging out in rocky, tropical and sandy areas. The small critters feed on plankton, small shrimps, and even small fishes. Their sizes also range from 2 to 6 inches but did you … Read more

Differences Between Wild & Domestic Hermit Crabs

Telling between your pet cat and its bigger and wild cousin – the tiger is really easy. But it’s a whole different story when it comes to your hermit crabs since they all look alike. Misconceptions About “Domestic” Hermit Crabs In reality, there are none, they are not like cats and dogs. All hermit crabs … Read more

Why Hermit Crabs are Great Pets

You may think that having Hermit Crabs as pets is unusual, but they are really an interesting species and also easy to care and maintain. Hermit Crabs are active and curious in nature. Their personalities are quite recognizable, their unique characteristics and being low maintenance set them apart from other household pets. Unlike common crabs, … Read more